March 16, 2014

School Lookbook

Well, many of you have been asking me: How do you dress for school?, so I decided to film my outfits for school an entire week (from Monday to Friday, duh!). As I was editing, I realized that the video was becoming way too long so I decided to split it in two parts, the first one has just come out! I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to subscribe, comment and share! 

Miss Elydee

Bien, pues muchos de ustedes me han estado preguntando: ¿Cómo te vistes para el colegio?, así que decidí filmar mis outfits durante una semana entera (de Lunes a Viernes, duh!). Cuando editaba, me dí cuenta de que el video se estaba volviendo muy largo así que decidí dividirlo en dos partes, ¡la primero acaba de salir! Espero que lo disfruten y no olviden suscribirse, comentar y compartir!

Miss Elydee

March 12, 2014

Presentation of MBFWMx

Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend to the presentation cocktail of the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Mexico AW edition. I was excited as it was the first fashion-week event I was able to go to and  I got thrilled by the announcements that were given last night. More designers, great strategies to push Mexican and latin american fashion forward as well as forums and platforms to provide a rich, great experience. Unfortunately, I was not able to stay so long as I had surgery on Saturday (more details on that coming this week) and I was supposed to be resting (I'm a freaking teen, c'mon! I can't stay still). I did met a couple of people I've been wanting to meet face to face for some time and well, I realized that I don't want to give up on this, I love it and here is where I should be right know.

Miss Elydee.

Ayer tuve la oportunidad de asistir al coctel de presentación de Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Mexico edición O/I. Estaba emocionada porque fue el primer evento de la semana de la moda al que pude asistir y me quedé maravillada con los anuncios que se dieron la noche de ayer. Más diseñadores, estrategias para impulsar a la moda mexicana y latinoamericana, así como forums y plataformas para brindar una gran y enriquecedora experiencia. Desafortunadamente, no me pude quedar mucho tiempo ya que tuve cirugía el Sábado (más detalles sobre eso esta semana) y se supone que debería estar en reposo (soy adolescente, ¡vamos! no puedo estar "en reposo"). Me vi con un par de personas que he querido conocer desde hace tiempo cara a cara y bueno, me di cuenta que no me voy a dar por vencido en esto, que lo amo y que aquí es donde debo de estar ahora.

Miss Elydee.

Pictures by Santiago Guzmán

March 10, 2014

Romantic Beat

Hey! NEW VIDEO IS UP!!! Ok, I know if you rather read my post in English than in Spanish (below) , you probably have not watched my YT videos yet, but don't worry because I've got a couple of surprises for you this month. I've just uploaded a video of a natural, romantic and simple makeup tutorial for any occasion. There will be a new video each Saturday, so stay tuned. Anyway, If you want to practice your Spanish a bit or just want to watch for fun, that would be awesome! Also, if you tweet or Instagram your own version of the makeup look with the hashtag #NataliaElydee, you'll make my day!  :) Hope you enjoy it and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and thumbs up my video!

Miss Elydee


Hey! ¡YA HAY NUEVO VIDEO! Está vez me fui por un tutorial de maquillaje; algo simple, romántico y natural para todo tipo de ocasión. Este mes habrá varias sorpresas en mi canal, ¡así que estén atentos! Habrá video nuevo cada Sábado. Espero que les guste y lo disfruten mucho, los invito a twittear o subir la foto de su versión del maquillaje (si lo intentan) con el hashtag #NataliaElydee, ¡me hacen el día! Espero que lo disfruten, lo intenten y no se olviden de suscribirse a mi canal y darle "pulgar arriba" al video.

Miss Elydee